What a tired week
feel so tired~~like whole body is heavy~~
but at list i still have energy to write blog....kakaka
emm....this few day didnt have hanging out with friend....
just at home online....>.<
last night have make up class again....
I'm exhausted!!!!
Tuesday have class,then last night also have class
and to night also have class!!! OMG
but to night i didn't go to class~~~
kekeke....cause wilson also not going=.=
lazy to go....want take a break~
emm....today still have meeting about the coming hair show~
keep staring the laptop makes my eye so pain and dry....
whole day keep searching the fantasy hair style makes me crazy~~
is hard to find the picture that suitable for our theme~
but, finally still get our concept~~
hope will make the audience say "WOW"
haha.....to night need to sleep early o~
tired...eyes also dry...
fish need rest!!! later be 'panda' oowh....@.@ -
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